Pembroke College Cambridge

Green Week 2018

Green Week is an annual week of events designed to raise awareness of environmental issues. Today's blog is by Libby Daley (2016), Pembroke JP's Green Officer and Green Week organiser.

Green Week bannerAs Pembroke’s annual Green Week draws close, I couldn’t be more excited with the series of events that the Orchard Society and I have managed to put together. Hours of meetings and hundreds of emails have resulted in a timetable that I genuinely believe has something in it for everyone, and the feedback I’ve had from my peers has been nothing but positive!

It is so exciting to see that both our flagship Vegan Formal (Monday) and finale  event Locally Sourced Green Formal (Friday) have been so popular, both within Pembroke and across the university, and are almost sold out. These events are key, I think, to showing how small changes to our diets, reducing meat and food miles, are not at all daunting or restrictive, and our excellent catering will definitely ensure they’ll both be evenings to remember!

If I could be permitted to advertise one event in particular, I would encourage everyone to come along to the Bowling Green, Tuesday 12-4pm, where you can plant Dwarf Sunflower and Tomato seeds. In the interests of sustainability, and highlighting the college’s waste, the pots we’re providing will be the cups used in the Café this term. With the world and our lives becoming increasingly urban, it is so important to take the time to connect with nature, not least because of the calming and increased productivity benefits! I look forward to seeing you there and wish you happy tending of your seedlings!

For more details of all the events in Green Week, check out our timetable and feel free to email me with any questions! ( Week

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