Pembroke College Cambridge

Humans of Pembroke - James, Lauren & Sarah

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Dr James Gardom

Dr James Gardom, Dean

Dean and Chaplain Pembroke since 2006.

What do you like/miss most about Pembroke?

I really miss the very ordinary thing of walking round the college, meeting people, and hearing how they are doing.

How have you been spending your time in lockdown?

A fair amount of cycling, and too many Zoom meetings.

What are you most looking forward to when this situation is over?

Lots of cycling, and no more Zoom meetings. (And proper music in Chapel.)

Anything else you would like to say?

Sometimes you don't properly value things until you can't have them.

Lauren Miller

Lauren Miller, Postgraduate student

I am a second year PhD student in Clinical Neurosciences, and I work in the Dementia Research Institute on the Addenbrooke's campus.

What do you like/miss most about Pembroke?

I love the gardens in Pembroke; they remind me why I wanted to come here every time I see them, and they are very peaceful to be in. When I was applying to Cambridge, I didn’t think I would get in so I picked the college with the most beautiful gardens because I thought I had nothing to lose! It turned out to be a great choice! I also miss the trough staff – they are always so friendly, and I know I can always go there for a good meal when I’m too tired to cook. Choosing Pembroke also turned out to be very lucky for me because I have a nut allergy, and Pembroke is one of the only nut-free colleges in Cambridge! For the first time in my life, I could eat cakes made by someone else, it was brilliant!

How have you been spending your time in lockdown?

I have been living in Pembroke throughout the lockdown. My PhD is 100% wet lab based so I haven't been able to do any proper work for the last 2 months. I have listened to a lot of zoom meetings and tried to enjoy Pembroke's gardens and Grantchester. I recently discovered my grandad wrote a book under a pseudonym - reading that has been a nice way to still feel connected to my family.

What are you most looking forward to when this situation is over?

I am most looking forward to not feeling angry at people not social distancing – the last couple weeks Grantchester has been packed with teenagers and the place is now littered with beer bottles and crisp packets (which is also sad for the ducks). I am also looking forward to Pembroke being full again and having formals and all the events that make it feel like a community. And sports, I miss sports!

Sarah Hendry

Sarah Hendry, Duty Porter

I'm Sarah a Duty Porter & have been at Pembroke since 2012.

What do you like/miss most about Pembroke?

The best thing about Pembroke are the people, it's such a friendly & welcoming place with a diverse community of Fellows, Staff & Students. Not seeing most of those people now is something I miss.

How have you been spending your time in lockdown?

The Porters Lodge has been fully operational, so not a great deal has changed for us apart from fewer folks through the Lodge. We still have our Fire & Security checks to do & some occasional extra jobs to help other departments if needed. I have been on annual leave (just in time for some perfect weather) & have been busy up my allotment & DIY about the house, not quite the week in Devon planned!

What are you most looking forward to when this situation is over?

Having students back & hopefully getting some normality back to life. I'm also looking forward to getting my hair cut, I was due for my annual trim prior to lockdown, so my hair is about four inches longer than it normally is this time of year!

Anything else you would like to say?

The College community has really pulled together in the last few weeks, I know everybody will be working hard to get everything ready for the new term, it may not be the life we are used to but together we can make it work.

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