Pembroke College Cambridge


There are two spaces especially set aside in the college as refuges of peace and reflection — our historic Chapel, built in 1665 by Christopher Wren, and the sunny mulitfaith Peace & Faith Room on the ground floor of N stairwell . 


The Chapel is the most beautiful building in the College. Built after the Civil War by Christopher Wren, it was a breath of fresh air in the tired late Gothic of C17th England. The striking marble floor, the intricate plaster roof, and the glowing ancient woodwork make it a jewel-like and truly lovely space. This physical and inherited beauty is brought to life regularly by sacred music and profound traditional and modern words and prayers. The Chapel and its worship are beautiful because, from its foundation, the College has acknowledged that human beings are Mind, Body and Spirit.


Contemporary cSpiritual imageulture makes it very hard for us to express the spiritual natures we know we have. Chapel is a place where these things can be taken seriously, affirmed, nurtured and matured. By custom and conviction we seek to do this primarily  through the services and teachings of the Church of England, with its commitment to Scripture, Tradition and Reason, and on being a presence in the heart of each community.


From morning prayers to Evensong, Compline  and beyond, the Chapel is open for peaceful prayer, meditation and reflection. It is a place to step outside the pressure of College, and connect with the wider world and its concerns. Sunday evening brings preachers from places all over the country and the world to tell us what God means to them and to their communities.


Because the Chapel is a chapel for the College it is there for everyone, not just members of the Church of England, and not just Christians. For some it is a natural step in a lifelong commitment to Christian life and service. For some  it is the first chance they have had to take matters of faith seriously. For many it is an opportunity to experience beauty and music on their own terms, without pressures to conform and believe. All are welcome in any stage of their journey.

The Acting Dean and Chaplain for Lent and Easter Term 2024 is the Rev'd Sophie Young. As Dean and Chaplain, Sophie is there for anyone in the college community, of any faith or none, who wants to talk in confidence. She can be contacted by email to arrange a conversation:

Peace & Faith Room

You can find the Peace and Faith Room on the ground floor of N entry, a multifaith space for prayer, meditation, and quiet retreat. Prayer rugs, chairs, books, and a movable dividing curtain are all available in the room. The room is always open and can be used for prayer in any religious tradition, or for meditation, reflection, or just peace and quiet. 

Services During Term

All services are open to College members, and Evensong services are particularly open to everybody including visitors. Evensong is livestreamed to our Facebook page, @pembrokechapel

  • Sunday
    • 10.15am, Holy Communion with choir, followed by brunch.
    • 6pm, Choral Evensong sung by the Pembroke College Chapel Choir
  • Tuesday
    • 10am, Morning Prayer
    • 9pm, Congregational Compline
  • Wednesday
    • 6.15pm, Choral Evensong sung by the Pembroke College Girls’ Choir.
    • 9.30pm, Choral Compline, followed by drinks & hot cocoa

In addition, students meet on Thursdays at 9.30pm in J2 for "Hard Questions" with the Dean, the Gospel Choir has an open rehearsal for students and staff on Mondays at 7.30pm, and the Christian Union meets in the Chapel on Fridays at 8am for prayer and fellowship.



AccessAble guide to visiting Pembroke Chapel. 

Pembroke College Chapel adheres to the Pembroke College Safeguarding Policy.