Pembroke College Cambridge

Dr Alan Dawson

After graduating in History in 1973 and completing a Ph.D. on Peru in the 1920s at Pembroke, Alan Dawson returned to the College in the early 1990s to work with Clive Trebilcock, then Senior Tutor, on links with Japanese and American universities which brought students to Pembroke for short Easter and summer programmes. During this time, he also helped with the setting up of the Corporate Partnership Scheme. He became Fellow and Director of the International Programmes Department in 2005 focusing on offering Cambridge-level teaching and learning through a two-term semester programme and an eight-week summer ‘term’. These were popular with students at leading North American universities, many of whom went on to complete M.Phils. at Cambridge. Recent projects include the Cambridge Security Initiative, a charity led by Sir Richard Dearlove promoting the study of international security and intelligence issues, and the completion a book looking at the unusual experiences of a 2nd world war Hurricane pilot and his family entitled ‘Happy as a King’.