Pembroke College Cambridge

Mr Matthew Mellor

Matthew Mellor has been Development Director and Fellow of the College since 2007. He was instrumental in establishing advancement work in Pembroke in the mid-1990s, and returned to the College in 2001 as Deputy Development Director before taking up his current post.  His role involves overseeing the College’s relations with its alumni and non-alumni friends, directing the unique Pembroke Corporate Partnership Programme, and raising funds for Pembroke priorities.  He is the College’s Steward, Wine Steward and a Tutor to undergraduates.  Outside Pembroke, he has served as Chairman of the College Development Directors’ Committee, and of the Cambridge Colleges’ Development Group, steering important College/University relations on development matters.  He is a director of a small not-for-profit business that provides after-school care for children in Cambridge. His main interests are ornithology, oenology, France, Spain and cricket.

College Positions

Undergraduate Tutor

Development Director
