Pembroke College Cambridge

Six Pembroke Fellows Promoted

Six Pembroke Fellows have received promotions from the University of Cambridge.


Dr Menna Clatworthy, currently a Reader in Immunity and Inflammation, has been promoted to Professor.  Dr Clatworthy came to Pembroke in 2002 to read for a PhD in Medicine. In 2007 she was appointed a Fellow. She also holds the title of Honorary Consultant of Nephrology at Addenbrooke's. Dr Clatworthy  is interested in understanding how B cell activation and IgG antibody effector function is regulated in different tissues, particularly in the kidney and the gut using cellular and molecular immunology, single cells RNA Sequencing and two photon microscopy. More information about Dr Clatworthy's research group can be viewed here.

Dr Paul Warde, currently a Reader in Environmental History, will be the University's inaugural Professor of Environmental History. Dr Warde works on environmental, economic and social history, particularly on natural resource use and its role in shaping societies and economic development, and particularly energy and fuel. He has recently published The Invention of Sustainability: Nature and Destiny 1500-1870 (Cambridge University Press, 2018), which has been nominated for the 2019 Turku Book Award. He has also co-written The Environment: a History of the Idea (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018) and In Search of Good Energy Policy (Cambridge University Press, 2019). Dr Warde was a Fellow at Pembroke between 2001 and 2007, and rejoined the College in 2015.


Dr Sarah Nouwen (Law) and Dr Donald Robertson (Economics) have both been promoted to Readerships.

Dr Nouwen works on the intersections of law and politics, war and peace and justice and the rule of law. Building on her experience in diplomacy and peace negotiations, her research focuses on how international law plays out in concrete situations. Dr Nouwen joined Pembroke in 2009.

Dr Robertson works on applied econometrics, business cycles, macroeconomics. He also teaches statistics and econometrics. Dr Robertson has been a Fellow at Pembroke since 1983.

Senior Lectureships

Dr Paul Cavill (History) and Dr Maria Abreu (Land Economy) have been appointed to Senior Lectureships.  Dr Cavill studies the political and ecclesiastical history of early modern England, concentrating on the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. He was appointed a Fellow in 2013.

Dr Abreu is a regional economist, working on topics relating to creativity, higher education, migration, and local labour markets. Dr Abreu joined Pembroke in 2011.

The promotions will take affect from 1 October 2019.

Clockwise from top left: Dr Menna Clatworthy, Dr Paul Warde, Dr Sarah Nouwen, Dr Paul Cavill, Dr Maria Abreu, Dr Donlad Robertson

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Pembroke College Cambridge