Pembroke College Cambridge

Your College bill

Shortly before your arrival at Pembroke you will be emailed two bills which relate to:

  1. Your Fee bill (to be paid before matriculation on 4th October 2022– covered here).
  2. Your College bill

College bills are issued quarterly, covering room rent and other fixed charges for the coming quarter, and the cost of meals etc. taken in the previous quarter.  Your College bill will most likely show charges for:

  • Room rent (where applicable).  This includes background heating, electricity, ethernet charges and room insurance.   Weekly rents range from £113.93/week - £175.18/week.
  • Vacation Rent.  This is payable by students for extra residence over and above the quarterly rental periods.  If you come into residence prior to Saturday 1st October 2022 then you will be charged a nightly pro rata rent for your room.
  • Student Facilities Charge (SFC) of £128/term.
  • Meals.  Meals bought in the buttery are paid for using your meal account and accessed using your University card.  You are allowed to accumulate up to £100 of debt on this account each term.  You may need to pay into the account to keep it within this limit.  At the end of each term any debit or credit balance on the meal account is transferred to your main College bill.
  • Formal Hall is currently charged at £11.20; there is a charge of £21.80 for guests.  Formal Hall charges are paid via your meal account.