Pembroke College Cambridge

Pembroke Green Week

Green week has become a regular occurrence at Pembroke in the last few years. It's a week in which our students seek to raise awareness of environmental issues and the changes we can make in response.

This year green week included an environment-themed bake-off, a discussion about environmentalism and feminism, a locally-sourced formal and vegan formal, and the ever-popular sunflower planting session. Students also made pledges to be more green. The photo gallery at the end of this blog shows the pledges they made, from carbon-offsetting flights to never using single-use plastics.

Throughout the week students added ideas and art to two posters about the impacts of climate change and ways to slow or mitigate it. The following photos are of some of these ideas.

Rising Sea Levels/Too Little Too Late?

rising sea levels

Butterflies and Climate Change

butterflies and climate change




Renewables/Green Energy

renewable energy






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Pembroke College Cambridge