Pembroke College Cambridge

Submitting your receitps

How to submit your receipts when claiming for a grant that you have been awarded

ALWAYS retain all paper and electronic receipts/invoices at least until you have received confirmation that the grant has been paid – you will not be able to claim for money spent without proof of payment

If you are submitting your receipts electronically you must:

  • Submit receipts as pdf documents or word documents – any other formats (e.g. jpeg/png) will not be accepted.
  • Ensure it is clear what each receipt is for and for how much otherwise the amount you can claim for may be affected e.g. number the receipt and then number the claim on the application form correlating to this or label the file clearly
  • Ensure the receipts have your name on them
  • Ensure that from the receipts and screenshots it is clear to whom the money has been paid as well as who paid the money
  • If you have paid money for something that was part of a group receipt obtain a copy of group receipt indicating what proportion you are claiming for
  • Other forms of supporting evidence can include screenshots of banking apps or bank statements which indicate clearly your name, how much was paid to whom and for what
  • If receipts are not in English please provide further translation to explain what each is for and indicate what exchange rate you have used
  • Do not submit receipts for items not listed on your grant application form
  • All receipts must be clear and legible
  • Grants are always paid in GBP - if costs are in local currency please claim the equivalent in GBP and give the exchange rate used

Sports expenses claims

  • If you are submitting email confirmation of an expense e.g. from a sports captain this must be accompanied by clear banking app or bank statement confirming the transaction to the Sports bank account – we can not accept, as proof, payment to a sports captain personal account.
  • Check you are allowed to claim for everything that you are submitting receipts for e.g. for sports receipts there is a cap per item on many essential items and some things are not allowed to claimed for at all

An Example of receipts