Pembroke College Cambridge

Andrew Chamblin Memorial Concert 2021

24 June 2021 19.00
Christ Church Cathedral

The fifteenth annual Andrew Chamblin Memorial Concert will be given by James O'Donnell FRCO HonRAM at 8 pm in Christ Church Cathedral on Thursday 24th June 2021 and streamed live online this year due to the pandemic (no physical attendance will be possible).

Mr O'Donnell will play an hour-long programme of organ works by Bach, Handel, de Grigny, Gibbons and Byrd. The concert is free for everyone.

There are no tickets required and the weblink for the live-streamed concert is below:

An annual lecture and concert are held in memory of Dr Andrew Chamblin (1995), who died in 2006. Andrew was Pembroke's Drapers' Research Fellow in Theoretical Physics between 1995 and 1999. Born in Lubbock TX, Andrew did his undergraduate degree in mathematics at Rice University, before moving to Oxford to do his Master's degree with Professor Sir Roger Penrose. After receiving an invitation to study under Professor Stephen Hawking he moved to Cambridge to undertake a PhD in Theoretical Physics. While in Cambridge he was appointed to the position of Research Fellow at Pembroke. After leaving Cambridge Andrew worked at MIT, Los Alamos National Laboratory and the University of Louisville and University of Kentucky.

To learn more about Andrew's life, please visit

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