Pembroke College Cambridge

Ramsden Sermon on Misunderestimating World Christianity

26 May 2024 11.30 - 12.30
Great St Mary's

The 2024 Ramsden Sermon will be preached by the Dean of Pembroke, The Revd Dr James Gardom, in Great St Mary's, the University Church, at 11.30 am on Trinity Sunday, 26 May. This sermon is to be preached on church extension, particularly within the Commonwealth of Nations. The title this year is: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand (Mark 4:12): Misunderestimating World Christianity.  The Chapel Choir of Clare College will sing at the service.

James Gardom read Philosophy with Theology as an undergraduate at St Anne's College, Oxford, before completing a PhD with a thesis on Theology and the Problem of Evil at King's College London. A Fellow, Dean and Chaplain and Director of Studies of Pembroke College, he is an Affiliated Lecturer in World Christianities in the Faculty of Divinity. He is currently on sabbatical, acting as Interim Priest-in-Charge of St Bene't's Church, Cambridge. Formerly Vicar of St Andrew's Chesterton, Dr Gardom has served as Dean of Studies at the National Anglican Theological College of Zimbabwe in Harare.

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