Pembroke College Cambridge

Sir Nicholas Kenyon

Sir Nicholas Kenyon is a distinguished affiliate scholar at Pembroke, having been a visiting scholar in 2022-23. He holds an Emeritus Leverhulme Fellowship, researching a project on the modern revival of early music —a subject close to Pembroke, as pioneers David Munrow and Christopher Hogwood were undergraduates at the College in the 1960s. He would be delighted to hear from anyone with memories of that period.

Nicholas read history at Balliol College Oxford, and wrote widely on music for journals including The New Yorker. He was editor of Early Music (OUP) 1983-92. He became Controller of BBC Radio 3 (1992-8) and Director of the BBC Proms (1996-2007). He was then Managing Director of the Barbican Centre (2007-2021). He has written books on Bach, Mozart, the BBC Symphony Orchestra and Simon Rattle, and edited the influential volume Authenticity and Early Music (OUP). His most recent book is The Life of Music (Yale). He is now Opera Critic of The Telegraph, reviewing and broadcasting regularly. 

Twitter: @NickRKenyon

College Positions

Distinguished Affiliate Scholar