Pembroke College Cambridge

What to do when A level and equivalent results are published

The following notes give advice on what to expect from the College and UCAS immediately after A level and equivalent results are published, and also include information on what you need to do.

We will use the contact details from your UCAS record for our correspondence, including the address to which this letter has been sent; IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO INFORM US OF ANY CHANGE OF ADDRESS, EMAIL ADDRESS OR TELEPHONE NUMBER. Please also ensure that the details held on UCAS are up to date.

  1. If you meet the conditions of the offer
    You don’t need to do anything immediately. The College will contact you, and UCAS will send you an email indicating that you have a definite place.  You must email the Admissions Office, Pembroke College only if you do not intend to take up the place.  If you decide to decline it, you must also withdraw via UCAS Hub.
    If you know that you have met the conditions of the offer, please wait for the College to contact you to confirm this. We will do this as quickly as possible: please do not contact us.
  2. If you have narrowly missed the offer
    In the first instance, please check UCAS Hub, as all decisions will be updated via UCAS. If UCAS Hub has not updated, or you are unable to access it, then you are welcome to contact us to discuss this further.
    Useful information is included on the UCAS website
    In a few cases, offer holders who haven’t quite met the conditions of their original offer may still be offered a place following a small ‘summer pool’ that takes place once examination results are released. If this applies to you, we will contact you to discuss whether you wish to be placed into the summer pool.
  3. If you are unsuccessful here
    Your UCAS Hub will be updated with this information, and we will also contact you in time for you to meet UCAS deadlines for your insurance university. Again it is essential that we have your correct contact details.
    If you have met the conditions of your insurance offer, there is no need to contact your insurance university, you will be firmly placed there and UCAS Hub will be updated to reflect this.
    If you have narrowly missed the conditions of your insurance offer, the insurance university will review your case. Decisions will be shared via UCAS Hub.
  4. If you are unsuccessful at Confirmation, here and at your insurance university, or you do not hold an insurance offer
    You will become eligible for UCAS Clearing, which gives the opportunity for unplaced applicants to find a course that has places available. You should visit the UCAS website and use their search tool to look for vacancies. The UCAS website gives further guidance on how to apply for a place through Clearing.