Pembroke College Cambridge

High table sign-in

Please use the form below to sign in for High Table dinner remotely. If you are signing in for dinner after 2 p.m. on the date on which you wish to dine, it will not be possible to guarantee a seat at dinner, so please telephone the High Table Managers: Romain Baron on 07938 482737 or Marc-Antoine de Re on 07808 880895. Please do not ask the Steward to contact the Front of House/High Table Manager on your behalf.

If you are signing in for Saturday lunch kindly indicate this in the box marked 'Additional Information'. Kindly also use this box to indicate the number of diners who require cheese at dessert.

You will receive an email from the Steward's office within 1 working day of pressing 'Sign-in', confirming receipt of your signing-in request and asking any further questions as necessary.

It is possible for those Fellows with University Raven accounts to view the names of fellow diners on their chosen dates by clicking this link.

Kindly consult the Parlour Calendar for information about special occasions in College such as Parlour Evenings for which sign-in will be via an alternative process.  Information about the Electronic Live Parlour Calendar is available here.