Pembroke College Cambridge

Student Facilities Charge (SFC)

  • The SFC is a non-negotiable charge and deemed to cover access to all non-educational services and facilities in College such as catering, sports, music etc. It is not a payment towards educational services, welfare support or accommodation.
  • Rates for 2023-24 £128 per term (£384 for the year) half rate £64 per term (£192 for the year)
  • Anyone living in private accommodation pays the half rate. There are a few exemptions awarded by the Tutorial Office if students live a great distance from Cambridge (with permission from the University that they may reside outside the 10 mile radius), are studying abroad or are here infrequently such as those on Executive MBA courses.
  • Once a postgraduate student on a PhD course has completed 9 terms and are exempt from University Tuition Fees then full SFC Remission is automatically granted.