Pembroke College Cambridge

Tim Whitley, Managing Director, Research and Innovation, BT - Case Study for CSaP

The Pembroke College Corporate Partnership Programme is known for supporting our partners in ‘navigating’ Cambridge, and as part of this we work closely in partnership with many of the centres, initiatives and networks that make up our complex ecosystem. The Centre for Science and Policy (CSaP) works with academics and decision makers to improve the use of evidence in public policy. CSaP has a range of programmes to achieve this aim and the Policy Fellowship Programme is a key cornerstone in this strategy. Pembroke supports this programme by helping to provide a College base for Fellows when they visit Cambridge, and helps to co-ordinate informal meetings with academics and our partner organisations.

The following is a link to an article written by Prof. Tim Whitley, William Pitt Fellow and Managing Director of Research and Innovationfor our long standing Corporate partner BT, for the Centre for Science and Policy

Tim Whitley: Case study - Networks of evidence and expertise for public policy (