Pembroke College Cambridge

College Policies

Policies concerning Complaints and Misconduct

Rules on Behaviour & Disciplinary Procedures for Junior Members

Harassment or sexual misconduct (Appendix A & Appendix B)

Student Complaint Procedure

Policy concerning personal relationships between staff and students (Pembroke College has adopted the University’s Policy concerning personal relationships between staff and students. Guidance on detailed interpretation of this Policy is available at that website)


Policies concerning Study

The University and Colleges seek to provide an environment conducive to learning.  As educational establishments and as employers under the Sex Discrimination Act (1975), the Race Relations Act (1976), the Race Relations (Amendment) Act (2002) and the Equality Act (2010) they are obliged to provide an environment free from discrimination and bullying. No member of the College shall knowingly or wilfully subject another to racial or sexual harassment. Harassment and bullying are difficult to define, but the College follows a University-wide policy on responding to concerns of harassment and sexual misconduct. The College's Dignity at Work and Study policy, Equal Opportunity Policy, personal relationships between staff and students, and Fitness to Study.

All students have the right not to experience either direct or indirect racism/sexism or bullying.

N.B. Loraine Gelsthorpe is the College's trained Advisor in this area. Feel free to consult her if the need arises. You may also consult your Tutor of course.

Diginity at Work and Study: Policy for Junior Members of Pembroke College

Equal Opportunites Policy

Safeguarding Policy


Fitness to Study


Freedom of Speech

No member of the College shall intentionally or recklessly impede freedom of speech or lawful assembly on any premises of the College. It shall be a disciplinary offence to convene or organise a meeting without giving requisite notice under the terms of the Code of Practice issued under Section 43 of the Education (No. 2) Act 1986. This Code of Practice is displayed on the Screens and all members of the College are required to conform to it. More information, including the College’s legal responsibilities under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, is described in the following documents:

Events and Speakers Policy and Processes (Management of external events and speakers)

Statement on Freedom of Speech

Social media guidelines for students